May 10, 2007


Today I went to Tokyo.I went to there by bus.
I left Aichi last night, about 11:30pm.This morning I arrived at Tokyo Station.Then I went to Narita-airport for some reason:)) I saw many airplanes there!!!!I really like to see airplanes.
When I see an airplane in the sky,I always get interested in where it's going.Then I feel envy at the people on it because I want to go somewhere too:P
Anyway,I enjoyed seeing airplanes☆I took pictures of some!!!JAL's and ANA's:)) I'll attach those with this blog.

After I finished doing things to do there,I came back to Tokyo station.Then just came back to Aichi.It was hard schedule.....I arrived there this morning.But I've already come back to Aichi.I feel storange.I feel the time I arrived in Tokyo was very long time ago,thoght it was just this morning=33 Strange.....

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